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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - strike


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~1 v past tense and past participle struck THINK/NOTICE 1 if a thought or idea strikes you, you suddenly realize that it is important, interesting, surprising, bad etc  (The funny side of the affair suddenly struck her. | it strikes sb that)  (It struck Carol that what he'd said about Helen applied to her too. | be struck by)  (We were struck by the generosity of even the poorest citizens.)  (- see occur) 2 strike sb as sth to seem to have a particular quality or feature  (His jokes didn't strike Jack as being very funny. | How did he strike you? (=how did he seem to you?) | it strikes sb as)  (It strikes me as a great idea. | strike sb as strange/odd/funny etc)  (It struck me as odd at the time.) 3 strike the eye to be particularly noticeable  (What strikes your eye at once is her gorgeous red hair.) STOP WORK 4 to deliberately stop working for a time because of a disagreement about pay, working conditions etc  (The police are forbidden to strike. | strike for)  (We're striking for another two dollars an hour.) HIT 5 I always + adv/prep, formal to hit or knock hard against something  (strike (sth) against)  (Then my shovel struck against something metallic. | strike sb/sth on)  (A snowball struck him on the back of the head. | strike sth)  (My foot struck a rock. | be struck by sth)  (The car had been struck by a falling tree.) 6 »WITH YOUR HAND« formal to deliberately hit someone or something hard, especially with your hand  (I wouldn't dream of striking a woman. | strike the bass drum | strike sth with)  (He struck the table with his fist. | strike a blow)  (The blow was almost certainly struck with the left hand. | strike home (=hit something exactly where you were aiming to hit it))  (His sword struck home deep into the bull's neck.) 7 strike a match/light to light a match by hitting it against a hard surface LIGHTNING 8 when lightning strikes something, it hits and damages it  (That old forked tree was once struck by lightning.) ATTACK/HARM 9 to attack quickly and suddenly  (When the snake strikes, its mouth opens wide. | Police fear that the killer will strike again. | strike at)  (This law strikes at the most vulnerable groups in our society. | strike at the heart of)  (spending cuts that strike at the heart of socialized medicine) 10 if something unpleasant strikes, it suddenly happens  (Tragedy struck two days later when Tammy was in a serious car accident.) 11 to do something that gives you an advantage or harms your opponent in a fight, competition etc  (Brazil struck first with a goal in the third minute. | strike the first blow (=gain the first advantage)) 12 strike a blow for to do something to help an idea, belief, or organization  (It's time we struck a blow for women's rights.) 13 strike a blow at to have a harmful effect on people's behaviour or beliefs  (This latest research strikes a blow at the foundations of psychiatry.) EXPRESS AN OPINION/FEELING 14 strike a chord to express an opinion or idea that other people agree with or have sympathy with  (Powell's angry speech struck a deep chord with his audience.) 15 strike a happy/cheerful/cautious etc note to express a particular feeling or attitude  (The article struck a conciliatory note. | strike the right note/a discordant note (=express or fail to express what people are feeling))  (Her speech appeared to strike exactly the right note.) 16 strike home if something that you say strikes home, it has exactly the effect on someone that you intended  (Anna's criticism of his laziness really struck home.) »CLOCKS« 17 when a clock strikes or strikes one, six etc, its bell sounds a certain number of times to show what the time is  (The church clock began to strike twelve. | strike the hour (=strike when it is exactly one o'clock, two o'clock etc)) »STRONG FEELINGS« 18 strike terror/fear/a chill into sb's heart to make someone feel afraid  (The word `cancer' still strikes terror into many hearts.) 19 be struck dumb to be unable to speak, usually because you are very surprised  (When the Queen shook my hand, I was struck dumb.) FIND 20 strike gold/oil etc to suddenly find gold, oil etc, especially after you have been looking for it  (They finally struck gold in 1886.) 21 strike it rich/lucky to suddenly make a lot of money or have good luck  (With her last book she's really struck it rich.) »DO STH« 22 strike a balance to give the correct amount of importance or attention to two opposing things  (strike the right balance)  (The speech strikes the right balance between humour and seriousness.) 23 strike a bargain/deal to agree to do something if someone else does something for you  (The US and China have recently struck a deal over trade.) 24 strike while the iron is hot (usually imperative) to do something immediately rather than waiting until a later time when you are less likely to succeed »OTHER MEANINGS« 25 »LIGHT« to fall on a surface  (What happens when light strikes a glass lens?) 26 be within striking distance to be very close to something or very near to achieving something 27 strike a pose/attitude to stand or sit with your body in a particular position  (Eva walked to the middle of the room, turned, and struck a pose with her head to one side.) 28 strike sb/sth off/from to remove a name or a thing from a written list  (We had to strike him off the short list.) 29 »TENT/SAIL« to take down a tent or sail  (strike camp (=take down tents when leaving a camping place)) strike back phr v to attack someone who has attacked you first  (The rebels struck back within hours.) strike sb down phr v 1 to hit someone so hard that they fall down 2 usually passive to make someone die or become seriously ill  (Hundreds died that winter, struck down by pneumonia.) strike off phr v be struck off BrE if a doctor, lawyer etc is struck off, their name is removed from the official list of people who are allowed to work as doctors etc strike on/upon sth phr v 1 to discover something or have a good idea about something  (At last I've struck on a plan that might work.) 2 be struck on BrE informal to think that something is good or well made  (I'm not very struck on these chocolates.) strike out phr v 1 »NAME« T strike something out) to draw a line through something written on a piece of paper 2 »WALK/SWIM« to start walking or swimming in a particular direction, especially in a determined way  (He decided to follow her, striking out in the same direction.) 3 strike out on your/his/their own to start doing something new or living by yourself, without other people's help  (Eric left the family business and struck out on his own.) 4 »NOT SUCCEED« informal especially AmE to be unsuccessful at something  ("Did she say she'd go out with you?" "No, I struck out.") 5 »BASEBALL« a) to be unable to continue trying to hit the ball in baseball, because you have already missed it three times b) T strike someone out) to put a player out in baseball by making them fail to hit the ball three times strike up phr v 1 to begin playing a piece of music  (strike up the band (=tell it to begin playing)) 2 strike up a friendship/relationship/conversation to start to become friendly with someone ~2 n 1 »STOP WORK« a period of time when a group of workers deliberately stop working because of a disagreement about pay, working conditions etc  (miners'/train/electricity etc strike)  (During the teachers' strike, all the schools were closed. | go on strike/on strike)  (The Boston police went on strike in 1919. | be (out) on strike)  (Within half an hour, all the drivers were out on strike. | come out/go out on strike (=start one) | call a strike (=ask people to stop working) | call off a strike (=decide not to continue it) | strike action)  (The mineworkers were solidly in favour of strike action. | general strike (=involving most workers in the country)) 2 hunger/rent strike a time when someone refuses to eat or pay rent as a protest about something  (a hunger strike by political prisoners) 3 »ATTACK« a military attack, especially by aircraft dropping bombs + against/on  (nuclear strikes on several targets | launch a strike)  (American aircraft carriers have launched several strikes.)  (- see also first strike) 4 oil strike the discovery of oil under the ground 5 »SPORT« a) a situation in bowling (1) in which you knock down all the pins (1) (=bottle shaped objects) with one or two balls b) an attempt to hit the ball in baseball in which you miss hitting the ball
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  (strikes, striking, struck, stricken) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The form 'struck' is the past tense and past participle. The form 'stricken' can also be used as the past participle for meanings 6 and 17. 1. When there is a strike, workers stop doing their work for a period of time, usually in order to try to get better pay or conditions for themselves. (BUSINESS) French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day strike in a dispute over pay... Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents. ...a call for strike action. N-COUNT: also on N 2. When workers strike, they go on strike. (BUSINESS) ...their recognition of the workers’ right to strike... They shouldn’t be striking for more money... The government agreed not to sack any of the striking workers. VERB: V, V for n, V-ing • striker (strikers) The strikers want higher wages, which state governments say they can’t afford. N-COUNT 3. If you strike someone or something, you deliberately hit them. (FORMAL) She took two quick steps forward and struck him across the mouth... It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n 4. If something that is falling or moving strikes something, it hits it. (FORMAL) His head struck the bottom when he dived into the 6ft end of the pool... One 16-inch shell struck the control tower... = hit VERB: V n, V n 5. If you strike one thing against another, or if one thing strikes against another, the first thing hits the second thing. (FORMAL) Wilde fell and struck his head on the stone floor... My right toe struck against a submerged rock. = bang VERB: V n on/against n, V against n 6. If something such as an illness or disaster strikes, it suddenly happens. Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck... A powerful earthquake struck the Italian island of Sicily early this morning... VERB: V, V n 7. To strike means to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (struck; struck; also stricken; striking)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English strican to stroke, go; akin to Old High German strihhan to stroke, Latin stringere to touch lightly, striga, stria furrow  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to take a course ; go struck off through the brush  2.  a. to aim and usually deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust (as with the hand, a weapon, or a tool)  b. to arrive with detrimental effect disaster struck  c. to attempt to undermine or harm something as if by a blow struck at…cherished notions — R. P. Warren  3. to come into contact forcefully two ships struck in mid channel  4. to delete something  5. to lower a flag usually in surrender  6.  a. to become indicated by a clock, bell, or chime the hour had just struck  b. to make known the time by sounding the clock struck as they entered  7. pierce, penetrate the wind seemed to ~ through our clothes  8.  a. to engage in battle  b. to make a military attack  9. to become ignited the match struck  10. to discover something struck on a new plan of attack  11.  a. to pull on a fishing rod in order to set the hook  b. of a fish to seize the bait  12. dart, shoot  13.  a. of a plant cutting to take root  b. of a seed germinate  14. to make an impression  15. to stop work in order to force an employer to comply with demands  16. to make a beginning the need to ~ vigorously for success  17. to thrust oneself forward he struck into the midst of the argument  18. to work diligently ; strive  transitive verb  1.  a. to ~ at ; hit  b. to drive or remove by or as if by a blow  c. to attack or seize with a sharp blow (as of fangs or claws) struck by a snake  d. inflict ~ a blow  e. to produce by or as if by a blow or stroke Moses struck water from the rock  f. to separate by a sharp blow ~ off flints  2.  a. to haul down ; lower ~ the sails  b. to dismantle and take away ~ the set  c. to ~ the tents of (a camp)  3. to afflict...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (past struck; past part. struck or archaic stricken) 1 a tr. subject to an impact. b tr. deliver (a blow) or inflict a blow on. 2 tr. come or bring sharply into contact with (the ship struck a rock). 3 tr. propel or divert with a blow (struck the ball into the pond). 4 intr. (foll. by at) try to hit. 5 tr. penetrate or cause to penetrate (struck terror into him). 6 tr. ignite (a match) or produce (sparks etc.) by rubbing. 7 tr. make (a coin) by stamping. 8 tr. produce (a musical note) by striking. 9 a tr. (also absol.) (of a clock) indicate (the time) by the sounding of a chime etc. b intr. (of time) be indicated in this way. 10 tr. a attack suddenly (was struck with sudden terror). b (of a disease) afflict. 11 tr. cause to become suddenly (was struck dumb). 12 tr. reach or achieve (strike a balance). 13 tr. agree on (a bargain). 14 tr. assume (an attitude) suddenly and dramatically. 15 tr. a discover or come across. b find (oil etc.) by drilling. c encounter (an unusual thing etc.). 16 come to the attention of or appear to (it strikes me as silly; an idea suddenly struck me). 17 a intr. (of employees) engage in a strike; cease work as a protest. b tr. US act in this way against (an employer). 18 a tr. lower or take down (a flag or tent etc.). b intr. signify surrender by striking a flag; surrender. 19 intr. take a specified direction (struck east). 20 tr. (also absol.) secure a hook in the mouth of (a fish) by jerking the tackle. 21 tr. (of a snake) wound with its fangs. 22 intr. (of oysters) attach themselves to a bed. 23 a tr. insert (the cutting of a plant) in soil to take root. b tr. (also absol.) (of a plant or cutting etc.) put forth (roots). 24 tr. level (grain etc. or the measure) in strike-measure. 25 tr. a ascertain (a balance) by deducting credit or debit from the other. b arrive at (an average, state of balance) by equalizing all items. 26 compose (a jury) esp. by allowing both sides to reject the same number. --n. 1 the act or an instance of striking. 2 a the organized refusal by employees to work...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) удар ударять, бить 2) простирание (пласта) 3) открытие месторождения 4) нефт. продуктивная скважина 5) линейка для удаления излишков формовочной смеси удалять излишки формовочной смеси 6) тонкий первичный подслой (при электролитическом осаждении) 7) электролит для образования тонкого первичного подслоя (при электролитическом осаждении) 8) сварка зажигать дугу 9) сварка кратер (на изделии от касания электродом) 10) строит. расшивать швы 11) разряд молнии 12) пищ. утфель выгружать утфель (из вакуум-аппарата) 13) мор. садиться на мель 14) круглая корзина (для фруктов) cloud to cloud strike — разряд молнии между тучами; cloud to ground strike — разряд молнии в землю; to make a strike — находить промышленные запасы нефти; to strike off — снимать излишек (напр. штукатурного раствора) - direct lightning strike - ground lightning strike - marginal strike ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) встретить 2) забастовка 3) зажечь 4) зажигаться 5) наподдавать 6) отбивать 7) поражать 8) приходить в голову 9) раскружаливать 10) распалубить 11) ударять 12) чиркать 13) чиркнуть across strike — в крест простирания пласта advance face to the strike — подвигать забой по простиранию along strike — по простиранию пласта strike off excess concrete — снимать излишки бетона strike off surplus material — снимать излишек - strike a balance - strike an arc - strike balance - strike line - strike match - strike of deposit - strike of seam - strike of vein - strike off - strike oil - strike out row - strike the center-punch - strike the formwork - strike vein ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) забастовка 2) стачка 3) коллективный отказ от чего-л. • - be on strike - break the strike - call a strike - call off a strike - come out on strike - general strike - go on strike - go-slow strike - jurisdictional strike - nation-wide strike - national strike - official strike - outlaw strike - sit-down strike - stage a strike - strike on the job - strike on - strike up - strike upon - sympathetic strike - sympathy strike - token strike - unconstitutional strike - wildcat strike 2. гл. 1) бастовать, объявлять забастовку 2) ударять, нападать 3) поражать, производить впечатление 4) приходить в голову 5) находить 6) добиться успеха 7) составлять (список и т.д.) 8) бороться - strike a balance - strike a blow - strike a committee - strike an average - strike for freedom - strike ore - strike smb. dead STRIKE 1. гл. 1) а) общ. ударять(ся), наносить удар, бить to strike smb. dead — поразить кого-л. насмерть to strike a blow — нанести удар He struck me with his fist. — Он ударил меня кулаком. б) общ. ударяться, стукаться His head struck the floor. — Он ударился головой об пол. 2) а) общ. поражать, сражать (о болезни, беде, стихийном бедствии или другом неприятном событии, произошедшем внезапно и приведшем к вредным последствиям) A powerful earthquake struck central and western Mexico. — В центральной и западной Мексике произошло мощное землетрясение. б) общ. нападать, атаковать (о враге, животном и т. д.) The enemy struck at dawn. — Враг ударил на рассвете. 3) а) общ....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) откладывать яйца в организме животного (о насекомых) 2) пускать корни, укореняться 3) сажать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  страйк В бейсболе baseball пропущенный бэттером batter удар: пропуск засчитывается, если бэттер промахивается по правильно поданному питчером мячу (мяч должен пролететь в зоне страйка strike zone), или если бэттер ударит по неправильно поданному мячу ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. удар strike attack —- ав. удар по наземной цели strike weapon —- наступательное оружие to make a strike at smb. —- замахнуться на кого-л. (кулаком, оружием); нанести удар кому-л.; укусить (ужалить) кого-л. (о змее) to counter a strike —- воен. отражать удар to exploit a strike —- воен. развивать успех (достигнутый в результате удара) 2. разг. воздушный налет 3. удар, бой (часов) 4. ам. плохой удар; пропущенный мяч (в бейсболе) 5. открытие месторождения (особ. золота) 6. неожиданная удача (также lucky strike) a lucky strike in politics —- политическая победа (на выборах и т. п.) 7. ам. недостаток; помеха his racial background was a strike against him —- его расовая принадлежность была препятствием на его пути 8. клев I've just got a strike —- у меня только что клюнуло 9. подсечка (лесы) 10. большой улов 11. гребок (для сгребания лишнего зерна с меры) 12. геол. простирание (жилы или пласта) Id: to have two strikes against one —- быть в невыгодном положении 13. ударять, бить to strike (on (upon)) the table —- стукнуть по столу to strike smb. —- ударить кого-л. to strike smb. in the face —- ударить кого-л. по лицу he struck his enemy on the head —- он ударил своего врага по голове to strike a blow —- нанести удар to strike a voilent blow at smb., to strike smb. a violent blow —- нанести кому-л. сильный удар, сильно ударить кого-л. to strike a blow aside —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up начинать; to strike up an acquaintance завязать знакомство; the band struck up оркестр заиграл STRIKE down  а) свалить с ног, сразить; Jim was struck down by a bus in the middle of the main street;  б) убить, поразить (болезнью); The businessman was struck down with a heart attack in the middle of the meeting. STRIKE I  1. v.  1) ударять(ся); бить; to strike a blow - нанести удар; to strike back - нанести ответный удар, дать сдачи; to strike a blow for smb., smth. - выступить в защиту кого-л., чего-л.; to strike the first blow - быть зачинщиком; the ship struck a rock - судно наскочило на скалу  2) ударять (по клавишам, струнам)  3) бить (о часах); it has just struck four - только что пробило четыре; the hour has struck - пробил час, настало время; his hour has struck - его (смертный) час пробил  4) высекать (огонь); зажигать(ся); to strike a match - чиркнуть спичкой, зажечь спичку; the match wont strike - спичка не зажигается  5) чеканить, выбивать  6) найти; наткнуться на, случайно встретить; to strike the eye - бросаться в глаза; to strike oil - открыть нефтяной источник; fig. достичь успеха; преуспевать  7) приходить в голову; an idea suddenly struck me - меня внезапно осенила мысль  8) производить впечатление; the story strikes me as ridiculous - рассказ поражает меня своей нелепостью; how does it strike you? - что вы об этом думаете?; how does his suggestion strike you? - как вам нравится его предложение? ...
Англо-русский словарь
  educ. abbr. Student Tobacco Reform Initiative Knowledge For Eternity ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: CALLED STRIKE, HAVE TWO STRIKES AGAINST ONE, LIGHTNING NEVER STRIKES TWICE IN THE SAME PLACE, TWO STRIKES AGAINST ONE. STRIKE or hit a sour note {v. phr.} To spoil the mood at a gathering by hearing some bad news. * /The news of Mr. Brown's sudden illness struck a sour note during our New Year's Eve party./ Compare: SPIT INTO THE WEDDING CAKE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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